Welcome to University of Jyväskylä early childhood education student organization Varkaat ry's homepage!

What is Varkaat ry and what do we do?

Varkaat ry is a subject organization of students studying early childhood education at the University of Jyväskylä, whose purpose is to promote and monitor the interests of its members in educational, social and cultural political issues and to represent its members in general and common matters.

What else should you know?

EQUALITY AND PARITYPROGRAMN direct Varkaat ry activity and it has approved at 2018 at autumn meeting. In the meeting, board and members discussed  details about the program and spelling. Also JYY's socialpoliticalexpert evaluated the program. Varkaat ry's equality and parityprogram was one of the first ones in University of Jyväskylä.

ENROLMENR RULES are valid when you are applying at Varkaat events. Remembet check those before enrolment.

PLAN OF ACTION  tells about Varkaat ry action, important aspects and goals for the next year.

Varkaat ry's REGISTER AND PRIVACY STATEMENT follows EU Deneral Data protection  Regulation. The aim of the regulation is to improve the legal protection of persons with regard to the processing of personal data.